About Clado solutions
Our office network is entirely Linux-based. We require all of our trainers to have real-world experience of Linux development and system administration before they teach, and we require all of our developers to do regular training stints as part of the normal quality assurance process We have chosen to use open source software, because the no-secrets approach imposes a comparable discipline on its developers, not because it is cheap
To encourage this way of working, we have set ourselves the goal of releasing all of our existing training materials under an open source as soon as we practically can. If you have just finished you graduation and want to pursue career as a Linux server administrator, then Clado Solutions is right destination for you. Our easy to understand Linux Training courses will provide in depth knowledge about server and operating system. Our faculties and expert go beyond the basics to provide you necessary knowledge, so that you can get the most out of a Linux server. Knowledge about Linux has become indispensable part of enterprise environment. If you want to grow high, you must have such technical courses certificates to support you. With its advanced and comprehensive Linux courses and Linux training, Clado Solutions is raising the standard of Linux training. With its practical knowledge base approach, Clado Solutions makes professionals enable to meet industry demand for high quality enterprise-level skills. Linux Training Clado Solutions, advocates the use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in the education sector. Just like education, Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is built on the principles of co-operation and sharing knowledge. This principle of standing on the shoulders of giants has successfully guided human development for centuries vitae.
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